- This section is required for all account types.
Investment Objective | Rank the investment objectives by entering a value between 1 and 5 in any of the boxes in this section. 1 is the highest. For definition purposes:
Risk Tolerance | Choose One. For definition purposes:
Time Horizon | Choose One. Provide the time horizon for the intended use of this account. |
Source of Funds | Choose all that apply. There may be multiple sources of funds. Optional for Account Updates.
If you choose Funds From Another Account or Funds from NFS Account, you will also be required to answer the following three questions
If you answer yes to any of these three questions, you will be prompted to fill in additional details. |
Question: If Yes: | Funds are coming from the liquidation of a securities product to purchase a fixed or variable annuity? • Provide Product Company, Product Name, Surrender Charge, Bonus Credit to Account • Answering yes to this question adds the Annuity Replacement Form to the paperwork bundle that is generated in LaserApp. |
Question: If Yes: | Funds are coming from a fixed or variable annuity and being used to purchase any securities product? • Provide Product Company, Product Name, Surrender Charge, Bonus Credit to Account • Answering yes to this question adds the Annuity Replacement Form to the paperwork bundle that is generated in LaserApp. |
If Yes: | Funds are coming from the liquidation of a mutual fund to purchase a mutual fund from another fund family where the client incurs or will incur a liquidation expense from the redemption of a mutual fund or becomes subject to a commission, or liquidation expense from the purchase of a new mutual fund? If yes, enter the mutual fund below Provide Mutual Fund Sold Answering yes to this question adds the Mutual Fund Switch Authorization Form to the paperwork bundle that is generated in LaserApp. |
Investment Purpose (Optional) | Check all that apply |
General Investment Knowledge | Choose One |
Decision Making Experience | Choose all that apply and/or fill in the blank field. |
Focused Risk Tolerance (Optional) | Choose one item for each category (aggressive, moderately aggressive, moderate, moderately conservative). In the Primary Investment Objective section on page 3, we asked you to help us determine if you are primarily a conservative, moderate or aggressive investor. We understand that conservative and moderate investors may want to invest a portion of their overall assets in the higher risk categories. The questions below are to help us determine the highest percentage of your overall assets that you would be willing to have in the higher risk categories. The risks of some programs may be increased if the investment is illiquid. |
For Each Investment Product Type | Check either None, Limited, Good, or Extensive based on the years of experience of the account holders AND Provide the number of years of experience for each investment type listed. |