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The contact manager allows you to store four types of contacts. You can easily toggle between the different contact types using the radio button next to each item.

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Contact Type


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The Clients contact type is the main contact type and the one you will work with the most. All contacts created from the Account Wizard sync to this area. These is you active client list.contain all of your active

  1. Active Only - this check box is checked by default. It filters the client list to only show active clients. Unchecking it will remove the filter and display all contacts, active and inactive.
  2. Inactive Clients - Click on this link to learn more about inactive clients and how to change a client from active to inactive.


Prospect cards have all the same features as Client contacts. This type of contact allows you to categorize contacts as prospects for organizational and marketing purposes. Prospects can easily be changed to clients by editing their type. The type is changed through the edit screen using the toggle shown below.

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are containers where you can link together individual contact cards, allowing you to track relationships at a household level. Each household includes a communication/notes log and you can set appointments and reminders for the household.


: Households

are containers where you can link together individual contact cards, allowing you to track relationships at a household level. Each household includes a communication/notes log and you can set appointments and reminders for the household.

Related Contacts


Related contacts are mini contacts that can be used to store information about contacts that are connected in some way to your primary contact. They can be anything from the contact’s spouse to their CPA or attorney. The system also allows you to convert related contacts to full contacts.


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