- To edit your profile, choose the Profile icon from quick access menu (under the Search Bar).
- Click on "Edit Profile" In edit mode, you can click on and edit the information on any of the 3 tabs. After editing the information, click on the "SAVE" button to save the information.
- Profile - basic contact info
- SSO - Single Sign On credentials
- Customize - allows you to change settings for your portal account.
What's In Your Profile?
Here's an overview of the key items that you can edit on your profile page.
- #6 - Change Password: use these fields to change your password. Enter your existing password, then your new password. You will have to enter your new password a second time to confirm it. Click on the “change password” button to save the change.
- #7 - Member Search: Search for other site members. The Search box allows you to enter part of a person’s name and find that user’s profile. If more than one user fits that search criteria, you can choose the user from a list of results.
- #8 - Group - This is your group setting. The group setting controls the side menu and a variety of permissions. Most users will only have access to one group.
- #9 - Photo: Use this section to add a photo to your profile. We recommend using a photo that is 150 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall. The profile picture should be a .jpg or .png. You can upload your photo by clicking on the Browse button This will allow you to browse to your local pc or network and upload your photo.
Click on Image to Display Larger View
Profile Tab
The profile tab contains your basic contact information, plus your social media links
- Email: If you forget your password for Berthel One, this is the email address where that reminder will be sent. This is required to be your monitored account.
- Social Media & Personal Memberships: These fields can hold your IDs for the various services mentioned. Just a reminder that the info will be public and can be seen by other portal users.
Use this section to add a photo to your profile. We recommend using a photo that is 150 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall. The profile picture should be a .jpg or .png. You can upload your photo by clicking on the button This will allow you to browse to your local pc or network and upload your photo- .
- Single Sign On Credentials
- DST Login and Password: these fields hold your DST Vision login and password info. This controls whether our single sign on to DST Vision and DST Vision Professional works. Single sign-on to DST Vision only works once you have added your id and password.
- Redtail Key - holding place for a future integration planned for Redtail.
- LA Anywhere ID & Password
Customize My Settings
- A) Show My Online Status As: Allows you to Online, Offline or Vacation.
B) Default Home Page: Currently, when you login, the My Office page is the default start page for everyone. Your Default Page loads when you first login to the site, or if you refresh your screen. You now have the ability to choose your start page. You select it by choosing one of the following from the Default Page drop down on your profile page.
Office: This is the current default for everyone.
Dashboard: The dashboard is an alert page that shows you notifications for the portal.
Newsletter (What’s New): If you feel like you are missing important news and info from the home office, this is a great landing page for you.
CRM: Spend most of your day working with your contacts? Choose this and you’ll always see your contact manager upon logging in.
Business Submissions: Choose this to view your saved account wizard items.
Daily or Monthly Calendar: If you use the system’s calendar, this may be the best pick for you.
- C) Time Zone: Choose your local time zone. The time stamps in the system will show based on your time zone.
- D) Default Client Binder: Choose from Tree View or Grid View
- E) Default Library Page: Choose from Index or flash. Choose Index if you are using Apple devices to connect. This will bypass the flash pages and take you directly into the index view for the libraries.
- F) Communication Log Format: Choose Standard or Grid.
- G) Open Email on Login? This will automatically open your browser based email when you log in to the site.
- H) Account Wizard Sync Beneficiaries to CRM: Check this to have the beneficiary information that is entered into the account wizard automatically sync and create contact cards for the beneficiary. Uncheck the box if you do not want your beneficiary information synced to the contacts.
Alerts & Notifications
- I) Service Center: Don’t want to get e-mail notifications about the change of status for your service center tickets? Opt out in your profile. This setting is defaulted to yes. To opt out, uncheck the box next to Service Center Notifications (see below) and you will no longer receive the e-mails.
- J) Send Copies - Add email addresses, separated by ; to have others copied on your alerts & Notifications.
Forum Settings
- K) Send Email Notifications for All Posts: Check this box if you wish to receive email notifications when discussion threads and forums have new posts. The email will contain a link to the discussion thread.
Email Comment Notification: Check this is you want an email notification whenever someone makes a comment on one of your posts.
- M) Post Display: The pAst display determines how posts are displayed on a page.
- Reverse Post: displays the newest posts first.
- Standard: displays the posts in chronological order, starting with the oldest post first.
- Default: Allows the default of the discussion page to determine the display order.