Set Permissions

To share access to your contacts, open the contact manager. Next > click on Set Permissions on the right menu.

Next, you will see the below screen. On this screen, you can find, select and grant access to your contact manager.

  1. Representatives: This is a list of users who can be given permission to view your contacts.
  2. Search: Type in the name of the person for whom you wish to grant access in to the search field, then hit Search. Select the name from the Representatives list using your mouse. This should highlight their name in blue. Once their name is highlighted:
  3. Add/Remove Buttons: Click on the >> button to add the name to the Allowed list.
  4. List of Allowed Users:  This is a list those who currently have access to your contact manager.
  5. Update Permissions & Notifications: To save any changes, click on the Update Permissions & Notifications button.
Click on Image to Display Larger View

You can remove permissions by highlighting the person's name in the Allowed list and then clicking the << button. After you have done this, you will need to click on the Update Permissions & Notifications button to finalize the change.