The e-Signature Process - Sender's Experience

The e-Signature Process - Sender's Experience

  1. Login to the portal (www.berthelone.com or www.smrone.com or www.bfcplanning.com)

  2. Enter the account info into the Account Wizard.

  3. On the Paperwork page, check the box labeled "Check this box to add the CAF to the LaserApp Forms Bundle. This will allow you to send the CAF out for eSignature from LaserApp".

  4. Generate the paperwork bundle using the "LaserApp Anywhere" button from the Account Wizard's "Paperwork" page

  5. In LaserApp, assign a signer to each required "signature" and "initial here" fields. Note: You should assign signature fields each account owner and for each rep who will be signing the paperwork.

  6. Click on the "Send to Esignature" button in LaserApp Anywhere

  7. Complete the "DocuSign Accounts" fields

    1. Fill in the Email Subject

    2. Fill in the Email Body

    3. If you have multiple Signers, set "Force Signature Routing Order" to yes and set the order of the recipient list of signers using the "Up" and "Down" buttons. The order (from top to bottom) that the recipient appears in the list indicates the order that they will receive the documents to sign. You, as the rep, should be the final signer.

  8. Recipient List: If you select a recipient and click on the "Edit" button, you will have the ability to further customize the signing experience:

    1. Request Attachment: If you select yes, the signer will be prompted to attach additional information to the DocuSign envelope. This can be used to request supporting documents, like a copy of the client's driver's license or ID.

    2. In Session Signing: Select yes if your clients are in your office and would like to sign their documents digitally. You will be presented with a link for each assigned signer. You can click on the link and the client will go through the ID validation process and then be able to sign the documents. If you choose No, the client will receive an email invitation to sign the documents instead.

    3. Access Code: This is not used. The Access Code option requires your recipient to enter an access code before they can view the envelope. This is not necessary as we use the identity check option to verify the user's right to access the documents.

    4. Note: Anything you enter in this field will show up as a note on top of the documents during the signing experience. The note field can be used to provide instruction to your clients.


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