Communication Log

Communication Log

The communication log stores notes and communication details for each of your contacts. Posting can be tagged with a context to organize the different types of communications.

Using the Communication Log in Grid View (Video:  11 minutes)
Click on [ ] below the video to expand the view to  full screen

Using the Communication Log in Standard View

Posting to the Communication Log

The posting dialog box is located at the bottom of the communication log. To post an item, scroll down until you see this section.

  1. Set Context: use this section to either create new context tags or to set the context (see below for more info).
  2. Formatting Toolbar: This familiar-looking toolbar gives you many options for formatting each post.
  3. Body: This section is used to type into to post your item to the communication log. Using the tools in the toolbar [2], you can format the information to your liking. Text can be copied from other sources and posted into the body of the post.
  4. Paperclip: you can attach almost any type of file (.jpg, xls, doc, ppt, wav, pdf, etc.) to the post. We recommend posting files of 25 - 30 MB or less.
  5. Submit Post: click on this button to submit your post. After submitting an item to the log, you have up to 10 minutes to edit the information. After 10 minutes, the item is locked and cannot be altered.
  6. Bookmark: click on this button to bookmark this thread. When you bookmark a thread, a link is added to your bookmarks in your Inbox.
  7. Post Navigation Bar: Each post to the communication log is numbered. In this box, you can type the number of a post, hit Go and go to that specific post.

Setting a Context Tag for your Posts

1. To set a context tag for your post, click on the drop-down menu [#1]. You can click on any of the items to set the context.

2. If you need to add a new context tag, click on the “Set Context” button [#2]. This will bring up the “Set Context” dialog box [#3]

3. To add a new tag, type the tag into the text field (highlighted in orange), then click on the “Set Context: button. This will add the newly created item to the drop down list shown in [#1]

Viewing Previous Posts

Each post to the communication log is separated into sections by horizontal lines. Each post consists of several distinct areas:

  1. Number: This area notes what number the post is and how many posts are in the thread.
  2. Date and Time Stamp: Each post is time and date stamped for audit trail purposes. Posts can be edited for up to 10 minutes after posting. After that the item is locked and cannot be altered.
  3. User Stamp: Every post is stamp with the name of the user who has posted the note.
  4. Envelope Icon (Email): click on this icon to email a copy of the note to another person.
  5. Star Icon (Alert): click on this icon to send an alert/post-it about this post to another Berthel One user.
  6. Context: This shows the context tag for this note.
  7. Body: This is the body of the note that was posted.
  8. Comments: Click on this link to view or post additional comments about this post.
  9. Transaction Thread: Transaction details from the account wizard are also posted into the communication log. Whenever the context tag is “Transaction”, you can click on the link (highlighted in yellow) and see a list of the transaction details for that client.