Load Account Info from the Contact Card

Load Account Info from the Contact Card


OPTION 1: Contact Card: New Account/Wizard (Figure 1 – Item 1)

Use the New Account button from the CRM menu to load the basics for a client – name, address. [View list of fields here] It will not load the detailed financials, investment profile, product knowledge or affiliation information for a specific registration that is part of the new Client Account Form and the Account Wizard 2.0. This is best used when you have a brand new client (one for whom you have never entered a transaction into the wizard). You can enter the basics in the contact card and then use it to populate the client’s first account wizard transaction.

Note: *Best Practice for Existing Registration Types*

The contact card for version 2.0 provided a major enhancement for account wizard data population. The new contact card and wizard stores client information for each registration as they are submitted and consequently approved by compliance. This allows you to select a specific account registration (Figure 1: 2a & 2b) from the Account Details section of the contact card and populate the wizard with all of the data for those account owners (or entity information), plus beneficiaries, when appropriate, for the chosen registration type. Once you have selected the registration type, you simply click on “+ Add New Transaction for this Registration” (Figure 1 - Item 2c).

Registration level loading is a major enhancement because it automatically loads all the stored data for each of the account owners, beneficiaries, financials, investment profile and product knowledge for any registration that has been previously submitted and approved through the account wizard. Additionally, it even automatically attaches a copy in the paperwork section of the previously approved, unexpired CAF for that registration.

NOTE: If the registration details were entered via Account Wizard 1.0, only the data points entered through that Wizard will populate.