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We’ve created a dashboard page that allows you to track most of the key activities that occurs on the portal. These sections help you track items that are in process at the home office as well as items that have been recently completed. A screen shot of the dashboard is shown below.


There are eight (8) content areas on the dashboard page.

  1. Alerts: This list displays the 10 most current post-it alerts that you have received. Details include: the title, which is a clickable link that will take you to more info, and a sent by indicator. Alerts stay in the listing until you close them using the red X.
  2. Accounts—More Info Needed: This is a display of the last 10 items submitted through the account wizard that have a more info needed status. Details include: Submitted date, account title, registration, product and status. The submitted date is a clickable link that will take you directly into the paperwork and notes page of the account wizard submission.
  3. CRM Notifications: This section displays notifications from the contact manager. It includes tasks, reminders, appointments and a notification if the last contact date has been more than 90 days. The Title is a clickable link to the contact
  4. Accounts—Recent Submissions: This is a display of the last 10 submissions made through the Account Wizard. Details include: Submitted date, account title, registration, product and status. The submitted date is a clickable link that will take you directly into the paperwork and notes page of the account wizard submission.
  5. Service Center -Open Items: displays all service center items that are in an open, in process or more info needed status.
  6. Service Center - Recently Closed Items: displays items that were completed or closed with notes within the last 4 days
  7. Advertising/Seminars -Open Items: displays all advertising items that are in a pre review, principal review or more info needed status.
  8. Advertising/Seminars - Recently Closed Items: displays items that were completed or closed with notes within the last 4 days.

Setup Your Default Landing Page:

The Default Page is selected through your profile. Here are step by step instructions:

  1. Click on the Profile Icon on the top icon menu bar (located under the Search bar.
  2. Click on the pencil icon above your photo to open your profile in edit mode.
  3. Use the drop down menu next to “Default Page” to select the page you want as your start page.
  4. Click on the green check mark to save your changes.

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