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The Berthel One global search tool is one location where you can find all of the different types of info stored on the portal. Like many of the screens in Berthel One, the Global Search screen is divided into two sections:

  1. SEARCH: The search section allows you to set a variety of filters to find the specific information that you need. Multiple filters can be combined to limit the results to a smaller set of items. Items above the line (1, 2, 3) are the minimum criteria required to conduct a search.
  2. RESULTS: The results section displays the results of your search, based on the filters set in the search section.


The numbered items below corresponds to section A in the above screen shot and are referenced within blue numbered squares.

  1. Search for Types: This is a list of the different types of information that you can search for using the Global Search, including:
    1. Account Wizard Transactions
    2. Advertising
    3. Contacts: Clients, Prospects & Companies
    4. Image Archive (before March 2011)
    5. Seminars
    6. Service Center Requests
  2. Date Range: The current week’s date range is in these fields by default. You have the option to change or clear out the date ranges if you want to search for a longer period of time. If you completely clear out the date range, you will be required to enter at least one other search criteria.
  3. Rep Name: Your name will be the default value in this field. Sales assistants will have the primary rep that they support as the default name. If you support multiple reps, you can type in another rep’s name and get their results.
  4. Reference Number: Search using the unique id assigned to an item by the system.
  5. Client Name: use this field to filter information by client name. In the example above, I searched for all the items for Investor. This provided me with account wizard transactions, the client contact card and all her service center items.
  6. Social Security: Search by SSN or Tax ID—with or without the hyphen.
  7. Account Number: This is an account number search field. Brokerage accounts don’t need the hyphen in the account number, but the search is smart enough to include it if the account number was entered with the hyphen.
  8. Registration Type: Search by registration type.
  9. Product Sponsor: Search by the product sponsor's name. If you type in part of a name, the system will display a list of matches that you can select from.
  10. Product Name: Search based on the product name. This is a free field. You can enter any part of the product name to conduct the search.
  11. Department, Request Type, and Request Sub Category: These three search filters are used only to search Service Center items. They will be grayed out if any other Type of Search is conducted.
  12. View Results: After you have entered all of your search criteria in the search fields, click View Results to find the related information. The search results will not load until you hit this button


The numbered items below corresponds to section B in the above screen shot, and they are referenced within red numbered circles. The columns in the results grid display the following information.

  1. Date: the date of the item
  2. Type: indicates the type of search result.
  3. Item: a description of the search result. Click on the blue, underlined description to view the item.
    1. Transactions will take you into the account wizard.
    2. Clients, prospects and households will open the contact in the contact manager.
    3. Advertising and seminars will open those submissions.
    4. Service Center results will open the service center ticket.
  4. Reference - displays the unique system id for that item.
  5. Status: indicates the status of the item.
  6. Rep: displays the name of the Rep associated with the item.
  7. Account #: displays the account number if applicable.
  8. Wizard: This is displayed when you search contacts. Click on this to load the contact details into the Account Wizard.
  9. Service: This is displayed when you search contacts. Click on this to load the contact into a new Service Center ticket.  This insures that the ticket will link to the client's contact card.
  10. Export: use this column to check off the records you want if you are exporting data from the system.
  11. Separate exported files into folders by type: check this box if your want your exported data to be organized into a folder for each type of data. For example, all the account wizard transactions will be in one folder, the contacts in another, etc. This is recommended and checked by default
  12. Export from Selected Rows - Clicking on this button will export all the selected records as an Archive.Zip compressed folder. You will be prompted by your browser to save the file to a location on your local device. Once it is saved, you can open it and view the archive. This does require software to unzip the file. Most versions of Windows includes this and you can right click on the file to unzip it. Once unzipped, you will see this inside the folder structure:
  13. Uncheck All: This will check the check box in the Export column for all search results, effectively removing each item from the export list.
  14. Check All: This will check the check box in the Export column for all search results, effectively adding each item to the export list.
  15. Print: This button generates a print-friedly view of the search results that you can print. This is opened in a pop up window. Check your pop-up blocker settings if you are having trouble viewing the print friendly view.
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