The communication log stores notes and communication details for each of your contacts. Posting can be tagged with a context to organize the different types of communications.
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Posting to the Communication LogThe posting dialog box is located at the bottom of the communication log. To post an item, scroll down until you see this section.
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Setting a Context Tag for your Posts1. To set a context tag for your post, click on the drop-down menu [#1]. You can click on any of the items to set the context. 2. If you need to add a new context tag, click on the “Set Context” button [#2]. This will bring up the “Set Context” dialog box [#3] 3. To add a new tag, type the tag into the text field (highlighted in orange), then click on the “Set Context: button. This will add the newly created item to the drop down list shown in [#1] | |
Viewing Previous PostsEach post to the communication log is separated into sections by horizontal lines. Each post consists of several distinct areas: