The first time you click a Sign Here or Initial tag, you are asked to adopt a signature and initials.
To adopt your signature:
First verify your name and initials are correct. If not, they can change them as needed. If you would like to change your name or initials, type the changes in the Full Name and Initials fields.
Choose if you want to select a preformatted signature style or if you will draw your signature.
Note: Drawing a signature and initials can only be done if your browser is HTML5 capable and the sender allows it.
If you choose to use a preformatted style, you can click Select Style to view and select a signature style.
If you choose to draw your signature, Click Draw to show the blocks for adding their signature or initials.
In the Draw your signature or Draw your Initials block, draw your signature/initials using a mouse or, for a touch-screens, your finger or a stylus. If you make a mistake, click Clear to reset the block.
Note: Signers can return to the preformatted signature styles by clicking Select Style.
Finally click Adopt and Sign to adopt and save your signature information and return to the document.
Next Step(s):
Attach Supporting Documents. For an overview of this process, click here.
Completing the Signing Experience. For an overview of this process, click here.