Setup the Initial Sync Process

Setup the Initial Sync Process

  1. Setup single sign on (SSO) from the portals to Redtail CRM. 

  2. Go to your Profile page in the portals.

    1. After you successfully setup your SSO, you will see a “Redtail Sync Settings” button.  Click on this button to configure your Redtail CRM Sync Preferences in your Portal Profile.

    2. This configuration page can also be accessed directly at:

      1. Berthel One:  https://connect.berthel.com/Portal#/profile/redtailsettings

      2. Planning One:  https://www.bfcplanning.com/Portal#/profile/redtailsettings

      3. SMR One:  https://www.smrone.com/Portal#/profile/redtailsettings

    3. Click on the Subscribe button:

    4. The default sync direction will be “None” and the Primary Contact Manager defaults to Redtail

    5. Once you have selected your “Sync Direction” and “Primary Contact Manager”, click on “Save Settings” button.  

    6. This kicks off the initial full sync process.  The first full sync process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on how many contacts you have.

    7. After the initial sync, new and updated contact data will sync back and forth between the two services depending on your sync configuration.

Please read the following before you configure or change your sync settings.
Each time you change the value of the Sync Direction setting, it will initiate a full contact sync.

Ongoing Sync Process

After the initial sync, new and updated contact data will sync back and forth between the two services depending on your sync configuration based on the settings you selected for the sync direction and primary contact manager:

Sync Direction

Contact Manager

Sync Behavior

Sync Direction

Contact Manager

Sync Behavior

1-Way Sync

Portal CRM

  • New contacts created in the Portal CRM will sync to Redtail

  • Changes to existing contacts in the Portal will sync to Redtail

1-Way Sync

Redtail CRM

  • New contacts created in the Redtail CRM will sync to the Portal CRM.

  • Changes to existing contacts in the Redtail CRM will sync to the Portal CRM.

2-Way Sync


  • New contacts created in the Portal CRM will sync to Redtail

  • Changes to existing contacts in the Portal will sync to Redtail

  • New contacts created in the Redtail CRM will sync to the Portal CRM.

  • Changes to existing contacts in the Redtail CRM will sync to the Portal CRM.