Technical Support

Technical Support

Account IDs & Password Support

For password resets or account activations for any of the following, please contact the Berthel Fisher Tech Help Desk at 800.356.5234 x 570

  • Portals: Berthel One, SMR One, BFC Planning

  • LaserApp Anywhere

  • DocuSign

Additional Support

Direct technical support for DocuSign & eSignatures will not be offered to clients. However, the BFC Help Desk will work with you or your staff to resolve technical issues when they occur.

In some situations, it may be necessary to talk to your client to find a resolution. In order to offer your clients the best experience possible, we will require that you or a staff member from your office be on the call with the client. This will help us offer your client and you the fastest resolution for any issue. This is particularly important in cases where a resolution may require resending documents to your clients for eSignature.

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