Getting Started with Esignatures

Getting Started with Esignatures

To get started, you will need all of the following things:

  1. A User ID and Password to sign on to one of the portals:

    1. www.berthelone.com

    2. www.smrone.com

    3. www.bfcplanning.com.

  2. A LaserApp Anywhere Account

    1. You will need a User ID and Password to sign on to LaserApp Anywhere: https://www.laserapp.net/forms/anywhere?action=usrlogin

    2. Single Sign On configured within your portal profile for LaserApp Anywhere

      1. www.berthelone.com

      2. www.smrone.com

      3. www.bfcplanning.com

  3. A DocuSign Account

    1. You will need a UserID and Password to sign on to www.docusign.net

    2. Single Sign On credentials for DocuSign added to your LaserApp Anywhere profile.

  4. Step by step instructions for how to setup single sign on can be by clicking on the below topics:

    1. Setting Up SSO Between the Portals & LaserApp Anywhere

    2. Setting Up SSO Between LaserApp Anywhere & DocuSign


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