Affiliation Questions

Affiliation Questions

  • This section is required for all account types.
  • These questions are the affiliation questions for this account, not for the individual account owners.
  • Affiliation questions related to each account owner are presented in the account owner sections.
  • Immediate family members include spouse, parents, in-laws, siblings and children.
Is this account a Private Banking Account?Indicate if the account is a Private Banking Account.
Is this account for a Foreign Bank?

Indicate if the account is for a Foreign Bank.

The account owner(s) is/are associated with a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)Indicate if any of the account owners are associated with a PEP. A PEP is a senior official, immediate family member or business entity in or associated with a foreign (non-US) government, foreign military service or major foreign political party, or senior executive of a foreign government owned business.