Financial Information

Financial Information

  • The financial information page will display a series of questions for each account holder and the combined household or entity.
  • If financials are not required for an individual owner, that section with be hidden. For example, if you are entering an entity account, the financial screen will not gather information on the primary account holder. You will only see the section for any additional account holders.
  • You should always enter an amount, not a range. If a field does not apply, enter 0.
  • If you leave fields that have dollar amounts in them blank, they will pass to the Client Account Form as blanks. If you enter a zero in those fields, they will pass to the CAF as a 0.
Employment IncomeProvide the employment income of the primary account holder. Examples are W-2 and 1099 Income.
Investment IncomeProvide the investment income of the primary account holder Examples are 1099-DIV and 1099-Int
Social Security/Pension IncomeProvide the social security/pension income of the primary account holder
Other Annual IncomeProvide the other annual income of the primary account holder. Example – unemployment income.
Total Annual IncomeProvide the total annual income of the primary account holder Should be the sum of all categories. This field will auto sum for you.–
Employment IncomeProvide the employment income of the additional account holder. Examples are W-2 and 1099 Income.
Investment IncomeProvide the investment income of the additional account holder. Examples are 1099-DIV and 1099-Int
Social Security/Pension IncomeProvide the social security/pension income of the primary account holder
Other Annual IncomeProvide the other annual income of the primary account holder Example – unemployment income.
Total Annual IncomeProvide the total annual income of the primary account holder. Should be the sum of all categories.
IncomeProvide the combined income for the household or entity. Enter a dollar amount (not a range). Complete even if it’s the same as annual income
Net Worth (Excluding Residence)Provide the net worth (excluding residence): Assets minus liabilities minus the primary residence. Enter a dollar amount not a range.
Net Worth (Including Residence)Provide the net worth (including residence): Assets minus liabilities. Enter a dollar amount not a range.
Liquid AssetsProvide the liquid assets: Assets that can be easily liquidated and accessed within 7 days or less regardless of whether a penalty is incurred. Examples include savings accounts, mutual funds, IRAs, 401(k)s, and VA’s. It does not include real estate investments, limited partnerships, restricted stocks, or other assets that cannot be easily liquidated. Enter a dollar amount not a range.
Liquidity NeedsProvide the liquidity needs: Check only one category indicating the importance of the ability to quickly and easily convert to cash all or a portion of the investments in this account without experiencing significant loss in value from, for example, the lack of a ready market or incurring significant costs or penalties. Choose One
Federal Tax Bracket (Optional)Provide the tax bracket for the household. Choose One.
Assets - Total Value of AssetsEnter a dollar amount in this field.
Assets - Percentage for Each CategoryThe values entered in this series of questions must equal 100%. The wizard will total the entries as you go and display the total percentage entered in the total box.
Expenses - Annual ExpensesThese are recurring expenses. Examples might include mortgage payments; rent; long-term debts; utilities; alimony; or child support payments, etc. If annual expenses exceed $500,000 please provide the amount in the space provided. Choose one of the items or enter a dollar amount in the $ field box. If you choose the wrong radio button, use the clear link to clear out your choice.
Expenses - Special Expenses (Optional)These are future, non-recurring expenses that the client is planning to incur. Examples might include: home purchase; remodeling a home; a car purchase; education, medical expenses, etc. Choose one of the items or enter a dollar amount in the $ field box. If you choose the wrong radio button, use the clear link to clear out your choice.
Expenses - Time Frame for Special ExpensesRequired if Special Expenses have been indicated. Choose one of the items. If you choose the wrong radio button, use the clear link to clear out your choice.