Tracking Your Service Center Tickets

Tracking Your Service Center Tickets

You are here: The Service Center > Tracking + Finding Your Service Requests

Tracking Your Service Request


The fields at the top of the page are the fields that can be used to narrow down and search your service center tickets. You can fill in/combine more than one field to limit the results of your search. You can also just fill in one field to complete a search. Here are the ways that you can use each of the fields to limit your search results.

  1. Date Range: Enter a date range to find open requests submitted during a certain time period. You can also clear out the date range and leave these fields blank.
  2. Department: Choose a dept. name to find only the open requests for a specific department
  3. Request Type: Select one of the request types to view the open items for that type of request.
  4. Client Name: Enter any part of the client’s name to search for all open items for a specific client.
  5. Submitted By: Your name is displayed by default. If you have permissions to access another user’s content (sales assistants, for example), you can type in another name and view the open items for that user.
  6. Account Number: Enter an account number to limit the results to open items for just that account number.
  7. Request ID: This is the unique confirmation id number that is issued for each ticket.
  8. Status: Choose any status to search for items that have that status. Note: Completed or Closed items are excluded from all searches unless you specifically choose the Completed or Closed W/Notes status as part of your search criteria.
  9. View Results: After you have entered all of your search criteria, you must hit the “View Results” button to load your results (based on your search criteria).

    The section outlined in blue is the Results Listing (based on your search criteria). This is what will display after you have submitted a search using the above criteria.
  10. Request ID: This is the unique id assigned to each ticket.
  11. Department: This is the department assigned to the request. Click on the item to view full details.
  12. Client Name: If applicable, this is the client name for the request.
  13. Request Type: This is the request type. Click on the item to view full details for the item.
  14. Request Subcategory: This is the request category. Click on the item to view full details for the item.
  15. Status: This is the current status of the request.
  16. Priority: This is the priority assigned to the request
  17. Submitted By: Indicates who the task was submitted for (typically you).
  18. Date Submitted: Indicates when the task was submitted.
  19. Assigned To: Indicates who is currently assigned to the task.
  20. Expected Resolution Date: This is the date that the person working on the items expects to resolve it.

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