

A variety of contact reports are available for your use. All reports can be generated for on screen viewing.

Additionally, all reports can be:

  • Printed
  • Exported to Excel, or
  • Generated to Avery 5160, 5161 or 5162 Labels

Report Types

  1. Accredited Clients: Generates a list of accredited accounts based on the accredited account field on the contact tab of the contact card.
  2. Address List with Phone Number and Email: Generates a list of clients & prospects. Includes client name, address and home phone.
  3. Age: Pulls clients that have are greater than, less than, or equal to a specified age.
  4. Birth Date: generates a birthday list by month.
    1. Month Selector: use this drop down to show clients with a birthday in a specific month.
    2. My Clients Selector: user this drop down to choose among multiple CRMs for different reps if you are sales assistant or a rep with access to another rep’s contacts.
  5. Call List: By default, the call list displays all of your contacts. However, the report also gives you the ability to filter by type (client, prospects) and or by your custom groups
  6. Clients By Groups: generates a list of clients. Use the drop down menu to filter and select clients in a specific group.
  7. Communication Log: displays all postings to the communication log for a date range. Includes date and time posted, client name and notes from the posting. You can adjust the date range using the date controls at the top of the report.
  8. Current Birth Date/Anniversary: clients with a birthday or anniversary within the previous 45 days or next 45 days.
  9. Email Address List: provides an client list with email addresses
  10. Expired CAF: generates a list of clients with expired CAFs. Each registration type for the client is tracked. The system generates this report based on accounts that have been entered via the Account Wizard. The expiration date for the CAF is based upon that date the CAF was submitted via the Account Wizard. If no CAF has ever been submitted through the CAF, the system is not able to track the last CAF date for that client & registration.
  11. Households: Pulls list of households and the members of the households.
  12. Last Contact: list of clients that have not been contacted in the last 90 days. Includes name, home phone, email, city, state and last contact date.
  13. Net Worth: Pulls accounts and net worth information for a specified date range by registration.
  14. Reminders Report: Displays a list of all client reminders. Items are listed chronologically.

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