Manage Deleted

Manage Deleted

Manage Deleted is a feature that allows you to batch delete contacts or batch restore deleted contacts.

  1. Search: use this field to search for a specific client. Enter the client’s name, and then click on the search button to limit the list of clients displayed.
  2. All – Active – Deleted Display Filter: use the radio buttons next to each type to filter the list of clients displayed
    1. All – shows all clients
    2. Active – shows only the active clients
    3. Deleted – shows only the deleted clients.
  3. Check All: click on this to select all clients displayed in the grid. Checking this box will put check marks into the deleted check box for every displayed client.
  4. Deleted checkbox: items with a check mark in the box are deleted contacts. Unchecked items are active clients. You can change the status of an item by checking or unchecking this box.
  5. Update Deleted: click this button to save any changes that you have made. Changes include
    1. Check the box – changes the status of the item to deleted.
    2. Uncheck the box – restores the status of the item to active.