Load Existing Contacts Data within the Account Wizard

Load Existing Contacts Data within the Account Wizard

Load Existing

You will see this function box many times throughout the account wizard.This tool allows you to enter search information into the box and do a lookup against your contact manager. When you type in the first few letters of your search criteria, a list of items that match from your contact data will be displayed. You must click on the item with the mouse to select the correct contact. This will load the contact’s information into the wizard using a combination of data from the contact manager and previous submissions. Typing in the search criteria and hitting enter will not select the contact’s information.

When you have successfully loaded and attached a contact from your CRM, you will see a green check mark next to the client’s name. If the lookup is unsuccessful, you will see a red X next to the field or client’s name.

Example: Not Linked


Example: Linked


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