Contact OR Registration Level Loading

Contact OR Registration Level Loading

There are two types of data displayed in the Contact Card. These two types of data can be used to populate the Account Wizard. 

Depending on which type of data you load and how you load that data into the account wizard, the amount of fields that will be pre-filled in the Account Wizard vary.

  1. Contact Data - Loaded using the "New Account/Wizard" button on the CRM's side menu.
    1. This is the data that is displayed in the top section of the contact card.
    2. This is also how data was stored in version 1 of the contact manager and account wizard. There was only one set of data for each contact. Version 2 allows each client to have multiple registration types and multiple sets of data.
    3. A limited number of fields are pushed over to the Account Wizard.
    4. Contact Data is loaded using the “New Account/Wizard” button on the side menu.
    5. View this Appendix for a list that includes all the fields that can populate from the contact card data to the Account Wizard.
  2. Registration/Account Data - Loaded using the "+ Add New Transaction for this Registration" in the Account Details section.
    1. This data is displayed in the “Details by Account” section of the contact card.
    2. It contains all of the new fields added for the new CAF/Account Wizard 2.0.
    3. The data is stored in sets by registration type.
    4. The data is much more detailed than the contact data and will populate the most detailed data in the Account Wizard.